Friday 17 May 2013

After killing the demons, sage Vishwamitra took Rama and Laxman to King Janaka's palace where there was swayanvar of his daughter Sita, his daughter. Swayamvar means all the kings who were willing to wed Sita would stand in a row and Sita will marry the one she likes. Janaka had put a test that the Bow of Shiva which was in his possesion should be lifted by the king in order to marry Sita. All the kings tried but could not even move it leave alone lift it. Then their came the turn of Ravana. He tried to lift it but the bow fell on him and he started to cry for help. At that moment, Ram came forward. He lifted the bow with ease and tried to tie the string to it but in the process the bow broke. Janaka was elated and Sita married Ram. The the three Ram, Laxman and Sita along with Vishwamitra returned to Dasharatha's Palace.

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